Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Unexplainable Store has become one of the leading sellers of records brainwave entrainment audio online. Meditation MP3s and CD have received many glowing reviews from users, but recent extensions to the product line-up included some pretty unconventional deals. I'm beginning to wonder if the store has inexplicably lost the plot.

A Stellar Range Meditation MP3s

The core list of the unexplained Store is a huge variety of brainwave entrainment recordings, available in two MP3 download and a traditional form of CD, which addressed a wide range of frequencies of the brain and the corresponding manpower. The quality is excellent with all products listed at bitrate 320 to minimize pressure-related data loss. (. This is critical to the entrainment audio, where the frequency-inducing binaural beats or isochronic tones are subsonic; ie, below the range of human hearing) Examples include recordings:

* Create a very low frequency delta waves associated with deep sleep, both to act as a sleep aid, and most interesting, stimulating cell regeneration and growth that naturally occur during the delta phase of the sleep cycle.

* Improved concentration and alertness enhancing Beta waves to those who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder, which usually sees an excess of Alpha and Theta waves and not enough Beta to work properly in the world every day.

* Enhance creativity and intuition through various frequencies in the Alpha and Theta ranges associated with the subconscious, learning and memory. This is particularly interesting area for people who want to "program" yourself to behave differently or to create new realities through the power of the event and visualization.

Beyond the basics ... Way Beyond

The Unexplainable Store has always offer recordings that will appeal to those interested in mysticism and the occult, such recordings to develop extra-sensory perception, to enable remote viewing, and help with the quest for lucid dreaming. But a recent doubling of the product range added some issues not normally expected of a sound producer, leading one to wonder if maybe pushing the envelope too far. Some cases in point:

* A recording is supposed to clean the skin of acne sufferers. The sales pitch spends most of his time playing in all the expected emotions and concerns, and very little time explaining how a brainwave recording will help. Supposedly, Theta waves will improve blood flow to the skin to promote healing, while the wave of Alpha will seek out and remove impurities from the body. Sorry, not convinced.

* Female sex drive is said to be better than the frequency with Delta-Theta border. There is empirical evidence to support the claim. And why not just work for women? What about all middle-aged men worried about dysfunction and low testosterone, surely there's a marketing opportunity to beg there?

* Similarly, a different recording Delta is touted as a way to increase a woman's chances to conceive. Now, it is very likely that a deep meditation Delta will have beneficial effects on health, but I think the unexplained Store is skating on thin ice when driving, possibly desperate people expect so much from an MP3. The claim made here is just too strong.

I could go on but you get the picture. It seems inexplicable that the risks Store downloads to quackery, as some marketing opportunities lure proves too great to resist. And I fear that the reputation of the shop will eventually be tarnished, forcing people who really could benefit from brainwave entrainment can avoid some really useful products.

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